
Conduct Process Support Persons

A support person is “a member of the University community, most frequently a full-time faculty or staff member, who is neither an attorney nor a family member and who assists a student by providing support throughout the student conduct process. The support person may help a student understand the various aspects of the Student Code of Conduct, including but not limited to, students’ rights and responsibilities, the Educational Conference meeting or Formal Hearing, and/or the appeal process” (Student Code of Conduct). Please note that neither family members nor attorneys may serve as a support person.

The role of a support person is to assist a student by providing support throughout the student conduct process. Although a support person cannot represent a student and therefore has a non-speaking role during the investigative meetings, Educational Conference, or Formal Hearing, a support person may: 

  1. Assist the student in understanding the process in response to a charge of the Student Code of Conduct;
  2. Assist the student in understanding one’s rights and responsibilities as a participant in the Student Conduct process;
  3. Assist by accompanying the student to any meeting with a Conduct Officer, University Review Board and/or Appellate Board, including the Educational Conference and Formal Hearings;
  4. Assist the student in understanding the appeal process, when applicable; and
  5. As appropriate, foster a student’s personal growth through reflection and discernment of one’s behavior/decisions in light of University standards and values.
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