
University Policies

There are different types of policies that guide the work of the University. Of these, institutional (or University) policies are the most far-reaching; these policies impact all members of our community, and are generally developed, reviewed, and produced through our formal representative governance processes.  Institutional policies are the general guidelines that inform decision making and the development of procedures throughout the University, including policies that are required of the University by way of federal legislation or other mandates.  Institutional policies:

  • govern institutional procedures, expressing policy in broad terms;
  • have widespread application, guiding the work of our campus as a whole - apply to faculty, staff, students, and administration; 
  • change or are created through the formal policy review process; approval rests with the President's Cabinet and/or the University President 

Institutional policies may be supported or administered through departmental or other procedures. These are defined in the University's Policy Definitions. Many of these apply to specific units or groups within the institution; each document will indicate to whom it applies, as described in our University Policy Template. If you have questions about a specific policy or policy-related document, contact the policy owner or responsible department.  As we continue to refine and improve our policy development and maintenance practices, more policy documents will be captured on this web site.

The policies listed on this page include institutional and other policies that have been reviewed through the UGC process. It is not an exhaustive list.

  • Policies related to information technology & computing are available on the .
  • Other policies can be found with the Office of the , , , and within the University's . View selected academic policies and student policies via the in links at left. 

The links below capture selected institutional policies and procedures as have been reviewed by the UGC:

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