
Rights of an Accused Student

A student who is accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct has the following rights during conduct proceedings conducted by the University:

  1. The right to be informed of and have access to available University resources;
  2. The right to be presumed not responsible;
  3. The right to an explanation of the charge(s);
  4. The right to an explanation of the University’s student conduct process;
  5. The right to have a support person who can assist the accused student throughout the conduct process as outlined in Article IV, Section A.;
  6. The right to a University conduct hearing without unnecessary delay once they have been charged;
  7. The right to testify on her/his own behalf;
  8. The right to present witnesses who can speak to the charges. Character witnesses are not allowed;
  9. The right to remain present during the entire conduct hearing with the exception of the deliberation phase when neither the Conduct Officer nor the accused student may be present;
  10. The right to be informed without unnecessary delay of the outcome of the hearing;
  11. The right to appeal the outcome of a University Review Board hearing.
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