

Publication Checklist

Things to think about as you plan your publication

Goals and Objectives

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the key messages you wish to communicate?
  • Is this part of a larger communications initiative or is it a standalone piece?
  • Is this piece tied to an event? If so, are there other print pieces that need to be considered, such as signage, posters, invitations, etc.
  • Is this a new project, redesign of a previous similar publication, or update of an existing publication?
  • What is the “shelf life” of this publication? (How long will it be in use?)


  • Ideally, when do you wish to have a printed piece completed?
  • Is there flexibility in your production timeline, or is this publication tied to something with a fixed deadline?


  • How many printed pieces do you need?

Type of Publication

  • What type of publication or publications best serve your goals and objectives? For example, brochure, pamphlet, newsletter, poster, etc.?

Design Elements

  • Ideally, are you interested in a color or black and white publication?
  • Is there a publication from our online portfolio that represents the design style or approach you are looking for?
  • Do you have high-quality photos available? If not, several options exist:
    •         Stop by and look through our photo library
    •         Stock photography
    •         Custom photography. What is your budget for this?
  • What are key copy points for the text? Review our online Style Guide


  • If you are mailing this publication, do you have a mailing list compiled?
  • Are envelopes required for mailing?

Budget Number

  • Please bring this with you to the intake meeting.
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