
International Language Business Major

Overview of Program

The World Languages and Cultures Department offers a major in International Language/Business (B.A.), a professionally oriented program which combines introductory and upper-division business courses with a language curriculum in Spanish, French, or Italian.

The major in International Language-Business is a professionally oriented program. Its purpose is to make language study a more career-structured discipline by providing students with the opportunity to acquire a liberal education while at the same time, taking courses specifically relevant to a business enterprise.

In order to bridge the communication gap between multinational businesses and the lack of functional language skills often exhibited by the personnel representing them, specialized language courses focusing on the business terminology and cultural setting of the countries in question complement the regular language and business courses in this major.

Learn about Spanish major

Learn about French major

Learn about Italian major

Why Study International Language Business?

  • International Language-Business prepares you for a position in a multinational company in the global workplace
  • Government agencies, financial institutions, NGOs, market research companies, HR agencies, multinationals, and more are searching for individuals with the necessary linguistic and business skills to succeed
  • Civil and diplomatic service positions are also potential career paths for those with both language and business skills

Senior language majors are required to complete a senior portfolio prior to graduation.

Learn about the senior portfolio 

Contact Information

 To learn more, contact Dr. Marzia Caporale.

Dr. Marzia Caporale
319 O'Hara Hall


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