
Religious Accommodations for Students


The University of 51视频 respects the religious beliefs and practices of all students and aims to create a campus that is welcoming and inclusive of all faiths.

Religious accommodations include any adjustment to the educational environment, program or activity that will allow students to practice or observe a sincerely held religious practice or belief.

  • Students seeking a religious accommodation for non-academic purposes (dietary, housing, parking, etc.) can make a request to the Office of Equity and Diversity in accordance with the procedures outlined below. 
  • Students seeking religious accommodation for academic purposes should consult the Religious Observance Policy: Students, and follow those procedures accordingly.
  • Students seeking a request for vaccine exemptions based on religious reasons may contact the Student Health Center or the Office of Student Support and Success. 

Requests for Non-Academic Religious Accommodations

Requests for religious accommodations for non-academic purposes, including housing and dietary needs, can be made to the Office of Equity and Diversity through the system.

Students Requesting Non-Academic Religious Accommodations should follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the Student Request for Religious Accommodation Form. The form requires information related to the religious or seriously held belief or practice for which the student is requesting an accommodation, as well as the requested accommodation or modification to policy, practice, or schedule.
  2. (You also can do this through the my.scranton portal by going to the Student tab, then click Accommodate.) Once in Accommodate, create an accommodation request. (If you already have previous accommodations in Accommodate, you can create a Supplemental Request.)
  3. Upload the completed form. If you encounter any difficulty or have questions about this process, please contact the Office of Equity and Diversity at 570-941-6645 or by emailing non-academic-accom@scranton.edu.
  4. Watch your email for contact from the Office of Equity and Diversity via the University Non-academic Accommodations email address.

Once the OED receives a request in Accommodate, we will begin the interactive process with the student. An interactive process is an ongoing process where OED will engage in oral or written dialogue to determine what, if any, adjustments may be implemented to allow the student to practice their religious beliefs. The process may include obtaining and reviewing information about the tenets of the student’s religion.

Religion is broadly defined as religious beliefs, practices, and observances include those that are theistic and non-theistic (moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views).  The law requires universities to accommodate religious beliefs, practices, and observances if the beliefs are “sincerely held” and if the reasonable accommodation poses no undue hardship to the University.

When all required information has been received by the OED, the Executive Director or EEO Coordinator will determine if the student is eligible for an accommodation. Please note that accommodation requests should be made as early as possible, as they may take up to 10 business days from the time a request and form are received to be reviewed, and at times longer to implement.

No specific accommodation is guaranteed. Rather, the accommodation is determined on a case-by-case basis and tailored to match the needs of the student without placing an undue burden or hardship on the University. The University is not required to provide the specific accommodation requested by the student, but one that reasonably accommodates the religious practice or need.

In making a determination, OED may reach out to university employees to gather information and consider a number of relevant factors, including:

  • The nature and duration of the requested accommodation
  • The financial impact of the requested accommodation on the University
  • The impact of the requested accommodation on other students or University departments or operations
  • Any alternative accommodations

Students may be required to submit additional documentation related to the tenets of the religious practices to support their request.

Students will be notified whether their request for an accommodation is approved, denied, or partially approved by OED.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at non-academic-accom@scranton.edu or call 570-941-6645.

Complaints of discrimination may be filed in accordance with the .

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