
Building-wide Policies

These policies concern the use of the Library building, and appropriate user behavior while within the building.

After Hours Access

Use of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of the library when the building is not staffed is limited to faculty, staff, and currently registered University of 51视频 students.

Cell Phones

Be considerate of others. Please take cell phone and video chat (e.g., FaceTime, Skype, etc.) conversations away from study, research, and service areas; and turn off ringers while in the Library. All disruptive behavior will be referred to the Noise Policy.

Cell phone and video chats are permitted in the following areas:

  • First floor—Reilly Learning Commons, Pro Deo Room, and the lobbies
  • Third and Fourth floors—Group Study rooms
  • Other floors—enclosed stairwells only.

Eating & Drinking

Food may be consumed on any floor in the Library. As part of the library’s focus on sustainability, we ask that all patrons be respectful and use the recycling bins to correctly dispose of recyclable waste.

Faculty Study Room

Guidelines for faculty use of room 419

To accommodate faculty use of the Library for extended research projects, WML 419 may be reserved by current University of 51视频 faculty. Up to three faculty members may reserve the room per semester. Faculty must vacate the room during the months December and May, when it is opened for student use. Any Library materials used in the room must be checked out to the faculty member, so as not to be “missing” from the collection. 

Access to the room is controlled by the Office of the Dean of the Library, 4th Floor. Faculty members sign out a key to the room at the time of the reservation and must return the key at the end of the semester or when use of the room is ended. During the semester the room is kept locked and is labeled “Faculty Study Room - Reserved”.

Guidelines for student use of room 419 (December & May)

  • The door must be unlocked.
  • The blinds must be raised.
  • Materials (books, articles of clothing, etc.) cannot be left in the room to “claim” it; unattended materials will be removed to make the room available to others.
  • The room is for group and not individual use.

Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to leave the room.


  • Flyers, posters and notices must be submitted to the Library Services Desk for approval.
  • Flyers, posters or notices must advertise or promote an event sponsored by a recognized student club, organization or University department. The name and contact information of the sponsoring club, organization or department must appear on each flyer.
  • The Library reserves the right to deny approval for any postings that are not consistent with the mission of the University. Approval of postings is not an endorsement by the Library of the event or its participants.
  • All approved flyers, posters and notices should be placed in designated posting areas in the Pro Deo Room, Reilly Learning Commons, and on the second floor. Nothing should be taped to the walls, as it damages the paint!
  • Any items posted on bulletin boards, walls or left on tables without prior approval will be removed and discarded.
  • Only Library sponsored events and Public Safety announcements will be posted on the glass doors at the Library entrances, or in/near the elevators.
  • Flyers or posters should not exceed 11”x 17”.
  • Flyers and posters will be removed and discarded by the Circulation Services Department after the date of the event.

Group Study Rooms

The library has a variety of Group Study Rooms available for collaborative work. Rooms on Floors 3-4 are “first come, first served”. Reservable rooms on the first and second floors are available 24/7.
  • Rooms can be reserved by current U of S students only.
  • Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours per day (consecutive or separate).
  • Groups should consist of a minimum of 2 people.
  • Rooms can be booked up to one week in advance.

Guest/Public Access

As part of the University's Jesuit mission, the Library offers public access to the building and two designated computers for University Guests. For information on using these computers, see the Guest/Public Access Computer policies.

Guests are subject to the same Building-wide Policies as members of the University Community. If guests violate building policies, they will be informed of the rule and asked to comply. For a second offense, University Police will be called, and the guest will be asked to leave the building for the remainder of the day. For a third offense, University Police will ask the guest to no longer visit the Library. 

Please note that the Library closes to University Guests one hour before the building closes.

Inclement Weather

Please note that the library hours follow those of the University. If the University is closed, the library is closed. If the University has a delayed opening, the library has a delayed opening.

When the library is closed, faculty, staff and currently registered University of 51视频 students may enter the 24-hour spaces by Royal Card swipe, unless otherwise posted.

Library Classrooms

WML 305:
The primary purpose of Library room WML 305 is as a library meeting space and a venue for the Schemel Forum. The room may be scheduled by any library faculty or staff for a library related meeting using the Outlook calendar. Use of the room by non-library faculty or staff is not typically allowed, although exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Library Administration. Queries about non-library use of the room should be directed to Kym Fetsko, Assistant to the Dean of the Library, at kym.fetsko@scranton.edu.

WML 306:
The primary purpose of Library room WML 306 is as an information literacy instruction classroom. The room is typically scheduled by the Information Literacy Coordinator for use by Librarians to provide information literacy instruction for course instructors who have requested instruction by a Librarian through the Research and Scholarly Services department. Use of the room by non-library faculty or staff without a Librarian present is not typically allowed, though exceptions may be made if the intended use of the room is to teach students to use the Library's resources and collections in support of research within a course. Queries can be directed to Donna Witek, Information Literacy Coordinator, at donna.witek@scranton.edu.

Mutilation of Library Materials

If patrons are discovered in the act of mutilation or in possession of mutilated Library materials University Police will be called to file an Incident Report. For University of 51视频 students the Incident Report will be shared with the Office of Student Conduct. All patrons will be charged replacement costs for any damaged materials. The Library reserves the right to revoke the privileges of those who violate Library policy.



The library has one designated Quiet Study Room on the 4th Floor, and one room on the 2nd Floor. The second floor room is available 24/7.

Noise is discouraged on Floors 3-5, as ample collaborative space is available on floors 1 & 2.

Disruptive behavior and/or excessive noise on any floor may result in a request from library staff to modify behavior or relocate. 

Personal Property Lost and Found in the Library

The University of 51视频 assumes no responsibility or liability for personal property lost or stolen on The Weinberg Memorial Library premises. Library users and guests are urged not to leave personal property unattended in the Library.

Items found by Library staff or Library users should be turned in to Library Lost and Found at the Library Services Desk on the first floor. Library Circulation Services staff will make an effort to contact the owners of Royal Cards to return the cards. At the beginning of each week, Royal Cards not picked up are turned over to the Technology Support Center Help Desk in Alumni Memorial Hall. Valuable property not claimed within 24 hours will be turned in to University Police, Lost and Found, located in the Parking Pavilion. All other items will be held until the end of the semester. The Library will not mail lost items to owners.


Library furniture is intended for reading or studying. While it is understandable that students may doze while studying, Library staff or University Police may awaken someone whose sleeping is disruptive to the study of others. An example of such behavior is snoring loudly in the Quiet Study Room. Sleeping anywhere in the Library by members of the public is not permitted. If a member of the public falls asleep, they will be awakened and informed of the policy.

Smoking & Vaping

Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the Library.

Unattended Children

The Weinberg Library's collections and services are specifically designed to meet the needs of our students, faculty and staff. For this reason, visitors age 14 or under must be accompanied by a responsible adult* while in the building. This includes school students doing research or being tutored as well as children attending any camp held at the University.

Children should never be left unsupervised. Parents, guardians, or teachers are responsible for the appropriate supervision and behavior of any children who accompany them while in the Library. Because the Library is a teaching environment, disruptive children and their supervising adults will be asked to leave.

Library computers are to be used in accordance with the Guest Computer Access Policy. Unsupervised access to the Internet by anyone age 14 and under is prohibited as the Library does not utilize filters that would screen out materials that may not be appropriate for persons of that age.

*A responsible adult is defined as a person who is a sibling at least age 18, a parent or legal guardian or is recognized by the University as having supervisory responsibility for the minor (camp counselor, for example).

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