
The Curriculum

Our program underwent a full curriculum review and revision in 2018 to be in compliance with changes from our CACREP accreditation and PA licensure.

With that revision, the program is composed of 60 credits, divided into three areas of study that include:

  • 27 credits of Counseling Foundations
  • 21 credits of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Foundations
  • 9 credits of Clinical Competencies, which is composed of a three credit practicum (100 hours of supervised counseling experience) and six credits of internship (600 hours of supervised field experience)
  • One 3-credit elective course

Each student will meet with the program director to develop a unique course schedule that meets their needs.

See an example of course sequencing for the program on this curriculum grid. 

Courses in the Program

Counseling Foundations:

COUN 501: Counseling & Interviewing Skills
COUN 502: Counseling Theories
COUN 503: Group Process & Practice
COUN 504: Appraisal Techniques
COUN 505: Research Methods
COUN 506: Diversity & Social Justice
COUN 507: Career & Lifestyle Development
COUN 508: Life Span Development
COUN 509R: Professional Issues: Rehabilitation Counseling

Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Foundations:

COUN 521: Physical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
COUN 522: Disability and Employment
COUN 540: Family Counseling and Therapy
COUN 547: Psychiatric Rehabilitation
COUN 549: Assessment and Diagnosis
COUN 560: Addictive Behaviors
COUN 563: Crisis Intervention

Clinical Competency Courses:

COUN 591: Practicum: Rehabilitation Counseling
COUN 596: Internship: Rehabilitation Counseling (6 credits)

Plus one elective course


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