
Message from the Dean

Welcome to the Kania School of Management (KSOM).  As you browse through our website, I think you will be impressed with the accomplishments of our outstanding faculty, staff, and students.  The quality of our students both academically and as ethical, servant leaders is what differentiates us from other business schools. 

Founded in 1888, the University of 51视频 has a long tradition of developing business leaders.  We are a Jesuit University that believes in cura personalis -- educating the whole person.  At the Kania School of Management (KSOM) we create an environment that allows students to discern their purpose and passion while providing them with the knowledge and skills to become leaders in their organizations and have an impact on their communities.

At KSOM, through our business core, we provide you with the foundation to choose from ten different majors.  This, coupled with our liberal arts core that gives you a deep appreciation and understanding of the human condition through humanities and liberal arts, will allow you the opportunity for outstanding internships and jobs upon graduation.

To better prepare you for these internships and jobs all KSOM students are required to take a one-credit course entitled “Career & Professional Development.”  This course requires them to prepare a resume, do a mock interview, develop an elevator pitch and other career focused skills. Our students also benefit from our deep alumni connections in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and other cities throughout the Northeast and Middle Atlantic region.  Through our Career Development Center and working with our alumni and faculty we offer special forums, bring guest speakers to classes, and provide our students with networking opportunities beginning their freshman year.  We also offer 9 different student clubs that will enhance your college experience, provide a basis for developing lasting friendships, and create a sense of belonging.

I believe the Kania School of Management and the University of 51视频 has so much to offer. We will afford you a superior, transformational learning experience that will prepare you for a successful career.  As Peter Drucker said: “Don't go to Harvard, but to the Business School at the University of 51视频.  That’s where they are changing lives.”  So come for a visit and learn how we can change your life.  Join us for a class and see how we educate the whole person while seeking truth and serving others.

Mark Higgins, Ph.D.

Dean, Kania School of Management

Professor of Accounting

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