
Excellence Through Leadership and Service

The Robert L. McKeage Business Leadership Honors Program supports the Kania School’s tradition of excellence by developing students into ethical business leaders who are grounded in Jesuit ideals. Supporting the principle of “cura personalis,” the program provides personalized guidance and direction through academic challenges and interaction with distinguished business leaders.  A rigorous curriculum focused on leadership enrichment thoroughly prepares students to distinguish themselves as reflective and socially responsible leaders empowered to ignite positive change in society.


At the completion of the two-year Business Leadership Honors Program, students will have developed valuable characteristics such as integrity, humility and self-awareness through specific leadership focused business courses, a mentorship program, and service projects.


  1. To master the Jesuit ideal of “eloquentia perfecta”, students will improve upon their ability to communicate effectively in a team environment.
    • Students will complete collaborative projects focused on a chosen subject.
    • Students will present a formal business presentation.

  2. As part of leadership development and reflection, students will be able to relate business concepts and leadership theories to practical business applications.
    • Students will fulfill all course requirements of the Business Leadership Honors Program to an exceptional level.

  3. Students will enhance their networks and strengthen connections within the business world.
    • Students will establish ongoing, communicative relationships with executive alumni mentors.
    • Students will receive counsel from these mentors based on their personal experiences in the work force.
    • Students will have the opportunity to attend networking events with business alumni.

  4. Students will become men and women for others, by supporting the Jesuit tradition of “cura personalis,” and developing as socially responsible leaders.
    • Students will participate in service oriented projects.
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