
Course Descriptions

class concludes with an inter-university competition that occurs in Washington, D.C., each fall. During the three-day simulation, our students debate proposed legislation from the perspective of an EU member state. Students are challenged to sharpen their rhetoric, deploy strategy and outfox the villains, all while thinking and speaking as their alter ego would.

Political Science majors must earn passing grades in six core courses (eighteen credits). These courses provide students with a foundation for domestic and international and empirical and normative approaches to studying politics. Normally these courses must be completed at the University of 51视频. In addition to the six core courses, Political Science majors entering the University in 2018 must complete an additional six electives (eighteen credits). Students who initiated their studies prior to fall 2018 must complete seven elections (twenty-one credits). Depending on their interests, students can focus on domestic or international politics or a combination of both.

Finally, we believe that students should have a firm grounding of United States, European, and world histories. Two  History courses are required to complete the Political Science cognate. Students who initiated their studies prior to fall 2018 must complete four designated History courses. Please see Department Chairperson Dr. Michael Allison (michael.allison@scranton.edu) or your advisor with questions. Political Science minors must earn passing grades in all six courses.

Several Political Science courses also contribute towards the fulfillment of University-wide General Education and program-specific requirements. 

Core Courses

United States-oriented Courses

State and Local Government (PS 135, S): The structures, processes, and politics of state and local government are analyzed. Also considered: the constitutional position of state and local governments; the changing relationships among federal, state, and local governments; and policy areas of interest to students in the class (educational policy, criminal justice policy, etc.).

Women’s Rights and Status (PS 216, S, D): Examines public policies that impact the legal, political, economic, and social status of women in the U.S. A historical exploration of women's rights will be the foundation for exploration of women's rights and status today. The future prospects of women's rights and status will be discussed.

Women, Authority and Power (PS 227, S, D): In our representative democracy, women are a minority of elected and appointed government officials. This course studies the historical and current paradox of women and U.S. public policy decision making. It examines the role of women in pressure politics, their integration into positions of political authority, and the future prospects for the political power and authority of women.

Environmental Policy Process (PS 231, S): The role of legislative, executive, and judicial institutions in shaping the content of environment policy. Discussion of the processes by which such policies are formulated and implemented, including consideration of the impact of federalism. 

Public Administration (PS 232): A study of the structures, scope and processes of American public bureaucracies. The growth of the executive branches of governments, the role of public bureaucracies in our democratic government, and the experiences of American public bureaucrats are analyzed.

Policy Analysis (PS 234): How does the government decide which policies are the most effective in solving social problems? In this course, students are introduced to the policy analysis process, in which the government uses tools like cost-benefit/effectiveness analyses, risk analyses, logic models, and program evaluations to test, plan, and evaluate policy solutions.

Judicial Politics (PS 310): Role of the federal and state court systems in our constitutional democracy, with an emphasis on their policy making functions. Consideration of the factors shaping the judicial philosophies and political orientations of federal and state justices and judges.

Constitutional Law I (PS 311) and Constitutional Law II (PS 312): An examination, by means of case law, of the demands of liberty and the demands of democracy within the American Constitution. Topics include federalism, the separation and division of powers, social issues tied to industrialization and urbanization, commercial and property rights, and the rights of the poor and the oppressed as they arise in our legal framework.

Economic Policy & Public Budgeting (PS 325): Government policies impact the health of the economy and therefore the quality of life of U.S. residents. To understand the relationship between economic policies and quality of life, this course explores the purposes, principles, and policy-making processes of monetary policy, regulatory policy, and fiscal policy (spending and taxing legislation).

U.S. Congress (PS 327): Discussion of select Federalist Papers in order to appreciate the founders' views on human nature, the nature of government, democracy, and legislatures. An examination of the structure and function of the contemporary United States Congress, including the impact of political parties and interest groups on the business of Congress. Theories of representation are also considered.

The American Presidency (PS 329): This course focuses on the American presidency – historical development, powers of the office, elections, models of the presidency and, to a lesser extent, the relations between the president and Congress, and the president and the Judiciary.

Organizational Theory and Behavior (PS 336): Our government relies on thousands of state and federal organizations to implement policies formed by legislatures and executives. In this course, we explore the individuals working in these organizations, along with the structures, work cultures, and incentives that determine how successfully these organizations pursue their goals and mission.

Politics, Religion, and Public Service (PS 337): This course explains the relationship between religion and politics in American public life from both a theoretical and practical perspective, including community-based learning activities that explore the role of faith-based institutions in the delivery services in the City of 51视频.

Social Welfare Policy (PS 339): An evaluation and analysis of social welfare programs and the politics surrounding those programs in the United States. Will critically evaluate the decisions government chooses to make (or not to make) about when, how, and why we provide support for the poor, the disabled, and the ill.

International-oriented Courses

Latin American Politics (PS 219, S, D): Overview of the political cultures and political dynamics of Latin America. A series of representative nations is examined to provide a general overview of the region. Topics include historical figures and events, the processes of democratization and modernization, and contemporary politics.

Politics of Ireland (PS 223): Ireland's political history predates the creation of the Irish Free State in 1992 and this course examines the major events and important influences that led to the creation of the Irish polity and political structures as well as contemporary politics in the Republic of Ireland. The Irish Constitution, Irish parliamentary government, the political parties, and contemporary political issues are covered.

Politics of Development (PS 241, S, D): Why are some countries wealthier and more politically stable than others? Drawing on case studies from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as global trends, this class will examine political, economic, and social development challenges in low- and middle-income countries.

Irish Political Culture (PS 296): Irish political culture is summarized as "all politics is local." This course examines Irish political culture and contemporary issues through interactions with Deputies in the Irish Parliament, staff, officials in Government Departments, officials of the political parties, and community leaders. The location is Dublin with trips to other locations.

Central America (PS 323, S, D): This course provides an overview of contemporary Central American politics. Special attention is given to the revolutionary upheavals in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. The course also explores current challenges to the region's economic and political development such as crime, free trade and relations with the United States.

Europe in World Affairs (PS 330): This seminar provides an historical, political, and analytical foundation for understanding the profound political and economic changes facing Europeans today. This involves studying the two world wars, the formation of Cold-War alliances and security systems, the European integration movement, the foreign policies of major European states, and organization of post–Cold War Europe.

The European Union (PS 331, W): Provides an indepth study of the European Union and its 25 member states in order to prepare students for an intercollegiate simulation of the EU, which is held in Washington, DC, each December. Student examine the EU's theoretical and historical foundations, its institutions and policy procedures, and the ongoing challenges for European integration. 

United States - Latin American Relations (PS 333): An introduction to the political, economic, and security relations between Latin America and the United States from the beginning of the 19th century through the present day. Present day topics include regional trade arrangements, democracy promotion, drug trafficking, immigration, and the impact of 9/11. 

Comparative Civil Wars (PS 334, S): The course introduces students to the comparative study of civil war. We discuss conceptual issues, review arguments related to their origins, examine how they vary in terms of intensity, use of child soldiers, refugee movements, and violence against civilians, and investigate how they end. (Prerequisites: At least one of PS 212, PS 217, PS 210, or permission of instructor.)

Women in the Global Community (PS 335, D): Examines women's experiences in a global context. Studies women who emerge as elected political representatives and policy makers in various international areas. Considers women as citizens in a complex global community, by exploring the abuse of women in war, and women's empowerment to fight global poverty and protect women's rights.

Special Topics in Political Science (PS 284, PS 384): Study and analysis of selected topics in the field of Political Science. The particular topic or topics will vary from year to year depending on the instructor and changing student needs.

Seminar in International Studies (IS 390, W): The topic of this course varies each semester. Required for International Studies majors. Other advanced undergraduates may take this course with permission of the professor. This course may be used for either History or Political Science credit.

Blended Courses

51视频 and the World (PS 110, FYOC, FYDT): Introduces students to the scope (what we study) and methods (how we study) of political science through an analysis of major sociopolitical issues, philosophies, and public policy perspectives of the discipline's subfields; makes students more sophisticated consumers of diverse empirical research; and develops abilities to gather, evaluate, and disseminate information.

U.S. Foreign Policy: Cold War and Aftermath (PS 318): Examines and analyzes critically the content of American foreign policy in the Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Special emphasis on themes, goals and means of American foreign policy, particularly national security.

U.S. Foreign Policy Process (PS 319, EPW): Examines the actual formulation and implementation of American foreign policy within the decision making process. Analyzes what the process is, who the decision makers are, and internal and external variables of policy making in the U.S. Involves at least two indepth American foreign policy case studies.

September 11, 2001 and Beyond (PS 340): Analyzes the major social and political events directly related to September 11, 2001.  It examines the causes and consequences of 9/11 including the emergence of Al Qaeda, U.S. involvement in the Middle East, and U.S. efforts to ensure the safety of Americans at home and abroad.

Political Science credit can also be earned through the completion of one or more .

Cognate Courses

Political Science majors who enroll at the University of 51视频 in fall 2018 and subsequent academic years must complete one of the following History sequences (six credits):

Sequence 1:

  • History of the United States to 1877 (HIST 110, CH): The political, constitutional, social, and economic development of the United States from the colonial period through the era of Reconstruction.
  • History of the United States from Reconstruction to the Present (HIST 111, CH): The political, constitutional, social and economic development of the United States from Reconstruction to the present.
Sequence 2:
  • Europe: 1500 to 1815 (HIST 120, CH): European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development.  The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism.
  • Europe: 1815 to the Present (HIST 121, CH): European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development. The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic, and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism.

Sequence 3:

  • Colonial Latin America (HIST 125, CH,D): An introduction to colonial Latin American history: Amerindian civilizations; the Spanish and Portuguese colonial period, with emphasis on the themes of conquest, colonialism, race, class and gender.
  • Modern Latin America (HIST 126, CH,D): An introduction to modern Latin American history: the Latin American republics, with emphasis on the themes of nation building, dictatorship, cultural identity, revolutionary movements, and inter-American relations. 

Sequence 4:

  • World History I (HIST 130, CH, D): The course examines the history of human experience from a global perspective with particular attention to political, economic, and social change.  World History I begins with human origins and proceeds through ancient civilizations to about 1500 A.D.
  • World History II (HIST 131, CH, D): The course examines the history of human experience from a global perspective with particular attention to political, economic, and social change.  World History II begins about 1500 A. D. and comes to the present.

Sequence 5:

  • Africa to 1870 (HIST 132, CH, D): The course surveys the history of Africa south of the Sahara Desert from the earliest time to the late 19th century.  Focus is on the technological, ecological, economic, and cultural history of early Africa.
  • Africa since 1870 (HIST 133, CH, D): The history of Africa south of the Sahara Desert from 1870 to the present, focusing on colonization, independence, and the struggles and frustrations of contemporary African states.

Sequence 6:

  • History of American Women: From Colonization to Mid-Nineteenth Century (HIST 238, CH, D): A study of American women from the colonial era to the mid-19th century.  Changes in the family, the workforce, women’s participation in politics and reform movements, and Native-American and African-American women.
  • History of American Women: From Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present (HIST 239, CH, D): A study of American women since the mid-19th century. The effects of industrialization on the family, women’s participation in the workforce, the Depression and the family, women and war, the feminist movement, and the conservative response.

Political Science majors who enrolled at the University prior to fall 2018 must complete the following four history courses (twelve credits):

History of the United States to 1877 (HIST 110, CH): The political, constitutional, social, and economic development of the United States from the colonial period through the era of Reconstruction.

History of the United States from Reconstruction to the Present (HIST 111, CH): The political, constitutional, social and economic development of the United States from Reconstruction to the present.

Europe: 1500 to 1815 (HIST 120, CH): European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development.  The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism.

Europe: 1815 to the Present (HIST 121, CH): European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development. The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic, and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism.

General Education Requirements and University Programs

In addition to meeting requirements for students majoring or minoring in Political Science and International Studies, political science courses also meet several different General Education requirements for students in any major. The letters after each course reflect the General Education requirement that the course meets in addition to three credits towards the completion of the Political Science major or minor.

  • Social and Behavioral Science - S;
  • Writing-Intensive - W;
  • Diversity - D;
  • Quantitative Reasoning - Q;
  • First-Year Oral Communication - FYOC; and
  • First-Year Digital Technology - FYDT.

In addition to supporting the Political Science major, many of our courses satisfy degree requirements in University-wide minors and concentrations, including

  • Latin American Studies (Latin American Politics; Central America; and United States - Latin American Relations);
  • Women's Studies (Women’s Rights and Status; Women, Authority and Power; and Women in the Global Community);
  • International Studies (all International-oriented Courses and several Blended Courses);
  • Environmental Studies (Environmental Laws and Regulations and Environmental Policy Process); and
  • Peace and Justice Studies (Women’s Rights and Status; Women, Authority and Power; Central America; Comparative Civil Wars; September 11, 2001 and Beyond; and Women in the Global Community).
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