
Lecture Capture: Panopto

Panopto is a presentation-capture system that allows instructors to record what happens in their classrooms and make it available digitally. The Panopto recording interface is only available through the Brightspace learning management system (formerly knows as Desire2Learn). Please note, new course shells are created each semester in Brightspace, therefore faculty may need to move video files from one course in a previous semester to the new course.

Faculty can use Panopto on a classroom computer to capture interactions, lectures, presentations, student demonstrations and role-playing scenarios. It can also be used on a faculty member’s computer to create learning modules to deliver ancillary content or pre-lecture information. 

Students view recordings within Brightspace to review classroom content and assess their peers' work as well as their own. Students can utilize the  to create recordings for course work.

IMPORTANT: You need to enable Panopto in your course first! Please follow these instructions to do so:

  1. Log into the Brightspace course in which you want to add Panopto recordings
  2. Click on the "Content" tab
  3. Create a new module called "Panopto Recordings"
  4. Within the new module, choose "Add Existing Activities" and select "External Learning Tools"
  5. Select "Panopto Recordings". This will create a link in the content area to "Panopto Recordings" where all of your videos will appear.
  6. Change the Panopto link from “Published” to “Draft” to prevent students from seeing all of your videos. (You can allow students to access specific videos later.)
  7. When you click on the “Panopto Recordings” link, you will see a green “Create” button at top of screen. Click this button and select “Record a New Session”.
If you are using one of the enabled classrooms in BRN, MGH or LSC, you are now ready to use Panopto.


  • Lecture capture enhances the student experience.
  • Students can consume lecture materials at their own pace.
  • The teacher is present while students apply new knowledge.


  • Panopto can be used on a mobile device.
  • It is recommended to use Mozilla Firefox when working with Panopto using either Windows or Mac.
  • Faculty who wish to record from home, should record "offline". Review the instructions for  or .
  • Please review necessary system requirements for the Panopto video platform for .


Panopto is available 24 by 7 except for scheduled maintenance. Please note: new course shells are created each semester in Brightspace, therefore faculty may need to move video files from one course in a previous semester to the new course.

Classroom locations in which Panopto lecture capture is installed:

  • Alumni Memorial Hall - 211, 212
  • Brennan Hall – 102, 105 and 205
  • Edward Leahy Hall – 200, 235, 442, 400, 500, 540, 604 and 640
  • Loyola Science Center – 118, 126, 233, 334, 401, 433 and 590
  • McGurrin Hall – 102, 104, 106, 118, 136, 205, 213, 326, 334, 345, 347, 418, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431 and 432
  • Weinberg Memorial Library – 306

Additional Resources

IMPORTANT: You will need to enable Panopto in your course first!

  • .

Panopto Instructions

  • How to use the document camera with Panopto
    • Panopto faculty guidelines
    • Panopto student guidelines
    • Navigating the Panopto playlist within Brightspace/D2L
    • Recording with Windows/Mac
    • Install Panopto on your computer
    • And many more.

Campus Contacts

  • For technical issues using the Panopto system, contact the .
  • For pedagogical questions about how to incorporate lecture capture when teaching, contact The Center for Teaching Excellence.
  • For copyright permissions or questions about licensing for course materials, contact the.
  • For legal issues related to copyright, consent forms, or FERPA, contact the .
  • Read the , Educause 2008
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