
Internal Research Funding

The Faculty Internal Research Program (FIRP) provides a source of funding for full-time faculty research projects in all disciplines. The purpose of these grants is not to supersede external funding, nor to provide ongoing support for a project. Rather, FIRP funds are intended to provide start-up funding for novel research projects and/or to support research which cannot be funded through other sources. FIRP awards may also serve as a source of funding for substantially revised projects that have been previously funded through this mechanism.

Questions: Contact Dr. David Marx at david.marx@scranton.edu

How to Apply

When to Apply

Proposals are accepted twice a year typically around November 1st and April 1st. Actual dates will be sent via email.

Funding decisions are made by the Faculty Research Committee (FRC) at its meetings in November and April. Reminders are sent to all full-time faculty in October and March, advising of the deadlines for those funding rounds.

What's NOT funded

Items NOT funded under this program:
  • Student research projects. Students should contact ORSP for available funding sources.
  • Student assistants fulfilling academic requirements (e.g. honors, thesis research).
  • Faculty member stipends.
  • Expenses for Journal Publication.
  • Teaching/Curriculum Development.
  • Travel to conferences.
  • Sabbatical relocation and living expenses.

Successful Proposal Examples

Other University Funding

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