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I am familiar with all procedures of the animal facilities, and I am familiar with the safety guidelines as set forth in the Chemical Hygiene Plan for the University of 51Ƶ. I understand that it is my responsibility to assure daily monitoring and record keeping for all animals under this protocol. I certify that all students and assistants caring for animals under this protocol will receive complete training, and the IACUC Student Research Assistant Training Certification form and the IACUC Training in Techniques Required for a Protocol Certification form will be filed with the Office of Research Services. When solicited in mid-October of each year, I will provide the IACUC with an annual report containing the species and number of animals used in each of my approved protocols. I understand that the information I provide will be used to complete the University of 51Ƶs annual USDA and other federal reports. I will notify the IACUC, in writing, if animals purchased for this protocol are transferred to another attendant for use in a different protocol. ____________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Principal Attendant Date ____________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Co-Attendant Date Send ONE PAPER COPY OF THIS SIGNED COVER SHEET to: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, AND submit the COVERSHEET and PROTOCOL NARRATIVE ELECTRONICALLY as an e-mail at least one week prior to a scheduled IACUC meeting to  HYPERLINK "mailto:gary.kwiecinski@scranton.edu" gary.kwiecinski@scranton.edu and send one signed copy of the Cover Sheet to Gary Kwiecinski, Biology Department, LSC292, at least one week prior to a scheduled IACUC meeting. The University of 51Ƶ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) DISPLAY ANIMAL USE PROTOCOL - NARRATIVE OUTLINE  1. Name of Attendant(s): Date Submitted: Title of Protocol: 2. Brief Description of Why Animal will be Housed on Campus 4. Animal Maintenance 4.1. Describe location, duration, and husbandry techniques (with references) for housing species 4.2 Special Requirements/Instructions Describe any special requirements, e.g., special housing, diet, extra cage cleaning, light, temperature, or humidity. It is the responsibility of the attendant to provide for special requirements in the maintenance of animals. The Universitys Animal Caretaker is not authorized to provide special maintenance services or research assistance. 4.2. Describe competency in techniques used to care for the species of this protocol 4.3. If animals become ill, describe techniques used to care for them 4.4 Procedures to minimize pain/distress or procedures for euthanasia 4.4.1. What pharmaceutical anesthesia is being used? 4.4.1.a. Type: ___________________________; 4.4.1.b. Brand name: __________________________; 4.4.1.c. Expiration date: ___________________. 4.4.2. DEA License # _________________ Expiration date ________ 5. Other attendants, students or research technicians/assistants 6. Literature Cited     PAGE 1 Revised 09-2021 PXklyz{}ĴԧteVhGhxpCJOJQJaJhGhGCJOJQJaJhACJOJQJaJh$mCJOJQJaJhthGCJOJQJaJhGCJOJQJaJh/@5CJOJQJaJhth5CJOJQJaJhtht5CJOJQJaJh$m5CJOJQJaJhthxp5CJOJQJaJhthxpCJOJQJaJP W$@&IfgdA$ W$@&Ifa$gdi$ W$@&Ifa$gdi $IfgdI $Ifgd6o) $@&Ifgdi}tttttt $Ifgd6o)gdxp}kd$$Ifl0$`  t0644 laytA     ! ' ( ) * < = > ? 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