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Other Regulations LSC Aquatics Suite Usage: Only animals being used in projects approved in writing by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) may be maintained in this suite. All maintenance and research/teaching operations, and the number of animals, must conform to the approved IACUC protocol for the project. All students must be certified to work independently in the Animal Suite ( HYPERLINK "http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/documents/Training_Cert_Form_Student_RA.doc" http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/documents/Training_Cert_Form_Student_RA.doc) and all investigators must demonstrate competency in techniques. Forms for animal care and use protocols, student training certificates, etc. can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/sub%20pages/IACUC.shtml" http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/sub%20pages/IACUC.shtml. 2) Labeling: Rooms - Every room that contains animals MUST HAVE a completed, up-to-date door card that identifies the principal investigator (name, office, student workers, and phone numbers) the IACUC protocol number, the species/variety of animal, and general conditions of maintenance, feeding, photoperiod (indicate time on and time off, e.g., 0800 hour on/2000 hour off), and treatment(s). The door card should also indicate whether care and maintenance is being handled by the PI/student(s) or by the Animal Facilities Manager, Dr. Gary Kwiecinski. 3) Daily Log Book: All animals must be observed daily by the PI (or designee) and some standard observations are to be recorded into a daily log book. Adherence to your moral obligation of daily care is essential. In order to standardize recording of necessary animal information, The IACUC has prepared a form for the daily logging of animal observations. These forms are to be kept in a loose-leaf binder in the animal room for each protocol. At the end of each month, you will need to send a copy of the log page to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) for your protocol file. Use of this form is mandatory. This log book is to be maintained even though the user has his/her own lab notebook. 4) Maintenance: If maintenance is being done by the individual PI or a student, both water and food must be checked daily and provided so as to maintain the animals free access to food and water or according to the approved IACUC protocol for feeding regime at all times, unless indicated by an approved protocol. Animals should never be allowed to dry-out over weekends or school breaks. Food must be dated and stored in a container with a closed lid at all times. Food is stored not in the same room with the animals, instead in a room designated for storage only. All sharps and glass are placed in their respective disposal or storage site. There should be no mess and it is the PIs responsibility to ensure that the facilities are maintained in the cleanest possible manor. The floor should be mopped after tank water changes. Dirty tanks must be washed in the common area sink. 5) Dead Animals : Any dead animals or animal tissues must be placed in double 3 Mil plastic bags tied securely and labeled according to their contents. Labeled bags containing dead animals should be placed immediately in the large chest-freezer located in the Chemistry Stockroom (LSC070J). The freezer is locked - Mr. Trygar, Chemistry Stockroom (070J), and Loyola Hall Maintenance Supervisor all have keys. Incident reports are to be filed with your PI and the Animal Facilities Director immediately after an incident. Incidents include unexpected death of animals, injury to an investigator by an animal (bite, scratch, etc.), or unusual events in the suite. IMPORTANT: Any animals that die from unknown causes or as a result of the experimental treatment with a foreign chemical are defined as INFECTIOUS WASTE. The animal discarded in double plastic bags, labeled as to the contents AND the cause of death, and placed in the freezer. If dead animals of another principal investigator (PI) are discovered, please contact that PI, Ms. Laura Raba or Dr. Kwiecinski immediately. 6) Light-Dark Cycles : Each animal holding room is set on a photoperiod required by a current investigator. If you need to adjust the photoperiod in your room, instructions are posted above the light control in each room. Check with the Animal Facilities Director if you need further instructions. NEVER change the photoperiod in someone elses room. Light-dark cycles are to be indicated by time of day on and time of day off. 7) Safety and Chemical Hygiene: See  HYPERLINK "http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/PowerPoint/OHS_presentation_web.ppsx" http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/PowerPoint/OHS_presentation_web.ppsx for summary. Proper attire is required at all times. No sandals, shorts, etc. (minimum amount of exposed skin is best). Lab coats and other appropriate protective clothing and apparel as necessary should be worn. Gloves should be worn, removed and disposed of before leaving the suite. Lab coats should be suite-dedicated, placed in lockers when not in use, and not worn outside the suite. The University of 51Ƶ Policy on Chemical Hazard Communication must be followed at all times. A copy of this policy is on file in the Animal Facility in the Yellow Binder with information on hazardous materials (SDS sheets). All users must be familiar with The University of 51Ƶ Chemical Hygiene Plan and copies for reference can found in the Chemistry Stockroom and in the office of Michael Baltrusaitis, Cocciardi and Associates, located in Public Safety. Three important components of the Chemical Hygiene Plan with respect to the animal facilities are: Any chemicals brought into the Aquatics Suite must have an updated SDS sheet on file in the animal suite before that chemical is brought into the suite. Chemicals (including solvents and anesthetics) or radioisotopes are not to be stored in the animal suite without the written permission of the IACUC and the Animal Facilities Director. All secondary containers of hazardous materials must have legible labels that include the name of the chemical, the hazard rating, and appropriate precautions. All containers (including water) must have labels. Know location of safety equipment (fire extinguisher, eyewash, first aid kit), and location of emergency phone numbers. Any accident must be reported immediately to Public Safety (X7888) and an accident report filed with the PI and Animal Facilities Director. 8) Aquatics Suite Security: The hallway door to the Animal Suite (LSC G080) must remain closed and locked at all times. Current investigators who are maintaining animals in the suite will have Royalcard access and/or a key. Interior rooms are to be locked, and doors of animal holding rooms should be kept closed as much as possible to maintain T/RH regimes. 9) Reporting: Accidents Any accident (human-related/chemical) must be reported immediately to Safety (X7888) and an accident report filed with the PI and Suite Director. Incidents Incident reports (animal-related) are to be filed with your PI and the Suite Director immediately after an incident. Incidents include unexpected death of animals, injury to an investigator by an animal (bite, scratch, etc.), or unusual events in the suite. Injured Animals must be quarantined and a record maintained to demonstrate their return to good health before being placed back into a research project ( HYPERLINK "http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/documents/QUARANTINED%20ANIMAL%20RECORD.doc" http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/documents/QUARANTINED%20ANIMAL%20RECORD.doc ). 10) Infringements: Any infringement of these regulations may result in a citation by the Animal Suite Director or any member of the IACUC. Any citation issued to a single investigator could result in an investigation by the IACUC with possible suspension of animal-use privileges. 11) Further Information and Details: Anyone needing more information should consult the P.H.S. Guide currently located in the LSC Animal Facility or contact the LSC Animal Facilities Director, Gary G. Kwiecinski (LSC292, 570-941-6387) (Rev. 08/2019)   $.89ABCDcz  " 0 ؽvk]k]R]I@hn15CJaJhR5CJaJh5CJ\aJhRhR5CJ\aJhR5CJ\aJhWhR5CJ\aJh~5>*\$jhWh~5>*U\hWh~5>*\!jhWh~5>*U\hWh~5>*CJ\aJh 5>*CJ\aJh5>*CJ\aJhX5>*CJ\aJhWh6U5>*CJ\aJDc c  s  o q ( & F 0d*$`0gd@d*$ & Fd*$gdm & Fd*$gdf d*$gd* d*$gdR $d*$a$ $d*$a$gd@-0 3 Q U X Y ^ b c w  r s o q ؾ{tph`h6U5>*\h 5>*\h~ h5\hm h~5\ h~5\hfhm 5\hfh~5\ hf5\ hm 5\h~5>*\h5>*\hR5>*\hW5CJaJhR5CJaJhRhR5CJaJhn15CJaJh+5CJaJhpO5CJaJ" + 0     u w x Zz{$%&'()-567<`i_߿߲㒋ӄ{v hX6hX h~>* h~5\ h6oh~hCUh4hCU0J#hCUhCUB*phhCUB*phjhCUB*Uphhh4h@0J# h@h@h@jh@UhGbh6ohfh~h~5>*\hf5>*\.()7VWk !29:""#" & F ^gdv=d*$!^!^gdjG d*$^gdd*$ETW[i_ !"%01%13\]+Rnsu'9h hh~ hjG5\ h~aJh3h~5hjGhwhQ hQhQ hQ>* h~>* hjG5 hz^hz^ hhhCUh~5>*\ h~5\h+hpOh~hX69;Kq1689BCDVuBaù~wsle]sYsh3h~5>*\ h~5\ hjG5\h~ h4h~ hn1] hpO] hjG]h4h3]h4h4]h4h~>*]h4h~]h4hzAJ5\h4h~5\h4h~5>*\ h4hv= hf]h4hv=>*] h]h4hv=]h4hv=5\]hv=! ?@xyz}skaYh!W h~]h!W h~>*]h(b6>*]h6oh~6]h4h(b0J#6]h(bh(b6]jh(b6U] h(b6] h6o6] h~6]h!W h~5>*\]h~56\] hjG5\ h45\hoAh~\hoAhoA\ h~5\ h~>*h~hhjG n `!!!!!>"c"g"}"""""""##6#;#P####,$-$N$S$`$$$$$$$$$% %H%Y%Z%ꪝВ hjG]h!W hv=5\]h!W hQ] hl6] h?^] hQ] hY>*] hY] h~]h!W h~5\]h!W hv=]h!W h] h] hoA] hf]h!W h~]h!W h(b]7#-$`$$d%e%%&&&|'))*++;+,,,,,,d" & Fgd" & FgdzAJd*$ "^`gdv=" & F ^gdv=Z%d%e%f%h%q%v%%%%%%%%%%&&&7&D&k&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ʽʽʹ¹ʹ骣}pehzAJh/&5\]hzAJh/&56\]hzAJh/&] h/&5 hzAJ5h/&h/&5h/&hv=5>*\ hv=5\ h~5\hXsphl6hY h~>*hfhh~h~5>*\hf5>*\hjGhjG5>*\ hjG5\ h75\h!W hv=]$&&''l'q'{'|'''''''''''''''''((((#)$)0)ļ埚咍yn`VhB*]phjhB*U]phhzAJh/&56]hzAJh/&>*]hR>Mh/&>*] hR>M]hR>Mh/&] hY] h[]hzAJh/&56\]hzAJh/&5\]hzAJh/&5 h/&5 hzAJ5h/&h/&5hzAJh/&6] hf]hzAJh/&]hYhY\]hY5\]0))))))))))) **[*`*****++++9+u+|+}++++, ,,,,,,}yqiaiaihn1CJaJh+CJaJh2,CJaJh@-hhjGh~56\]h~5>*\ h~5\hfh~hv=hv=5>*\ hv=5\ hjG5\h/&hh/&] h]h4h0J#]jhB*U]phhB*]phhhB*]ph$,,,,,,,,, ,",#,%,&,',(,),h$kh+ h/<aJjh/<Uh/<jh/<UaJh~jThEr)h/<<U,,!,",$,%,&,',(,),d*$, D....()()))()()00P18$:pdBP/ =!"#$% DpTD phoenixDd R  3 bullet"@@.w666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH D`D Normal1$7$8$H$_HmH sH tH `` )dV Heading 2$<@&$56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJZBZ '7 Heading 4dd1$7$8$@&H$[$\$5CJ\aJDA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 8+@8  Endnote TextaJ>* > Endnote ReferenceH*::  Footnote TextaJ@& !@ Footnote ReferenceH*TT TOC 1/ $ 0d*$]^`0PP TOC 2+ $ 0d*$]^`0PP TOC 3+ $ p0d*$]^p`0PP TOC 4+ $ @ 0d*$]^@ `0PP TOC 5+ $ 0d*$]^`0HH TOC 6# $0d*$^`0@@ TOC 70d*$^`0HH TOC 8# $0d*$^`0HH TOC 9# $ 0d*$^`0T T Index 1+ $ `d*$]^``T T Index 2+ $ 0d*$]^`0D.D  TOA Heading $d*$.". 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