
Dr. Roy Palmer Domenico





History Department
St. Thomas Hall
The University of 51视频
51视频, PA 18510
(570) 941-4143
E-Mail: domenicor2@uofs.edu


514 Clark St
Clarks Green, PA 18411


Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Ph.D., 1987
Modern European History
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
 M.A., 1979

Modern European History
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
B.A., 1977, Honors

History, Italian Studies,
International Relations 


MAJOR: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe, emphasis on Italy and Catholic nations.

MINOR: U.S., particularly 20th century.



2005-present The University of 51视频, 51视频, PA

Associate Professor

1999-2005 The University of 51视频, 51视频, PA

Assistant Professor

1997-1999 The University of 51视频, 51视频, PA
1992-1997 Truman State University, Kirksville, MO
1987-1992 Upsala College, East Orange, NJ
1986-1987 Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA


1984-1986 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ


"Gedda e il mondo cattolico nell'Italia degli anni cinquanta" in Cittá e Societá(Forthcoming).

Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Politics, 1789-presentEdited with Mark Hanley, (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 2006).

The Regions of Italy, A Reference Guide to History and Culture (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 2002).

Remaking Italy in the Twentieth Century (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002).

Italian Fascists on Trial, 1943-1948 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991). Winner of 1992 Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies. Translated with some revisions and published in Italy as Processo ai fascisti 1943-1948: Storia di un'epurazione che non c'è stata (Milan: Rizzoli, 1996).

"For the Cause of Christ Here in Italy. ' Evangelical America's Holy Mission in Italy and the Cultural Ambiguities of the Cold War." Diplomatic History 29 (4) September 2005.

"The Many Meanings of Anti-Fascism." The Journal of Modern Italian Studies 4(1) 1999.

"An Embassy to a Golf Course? The Conundrum of American Diplomatic Representation to the Holy See." in James T. Fisher, ed., The Columbia History of Roman Catholicism in America (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming).

"America, the Holy See and the War in Vietnam." in Peter Kent and John Pollard, eds., Papal Diplomacy in the Modern Age (New York: Praeger, 1994).

"Anglo-americani e partigiani sulla Linea Gotica: I carteggi della Patriots Branch." in AA.VV., in Al di qua e al di là della Linea Gotica (Bologna: 1993).



"Konrad Adenbauer," "Papal Elections" and "Christian Democracy." Entries in The New Catholic EncyclopediaRobert Fastiggi, ed., (Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomson/Gale, Forthcoming).

"John Paul II." Essay in The Great Popes Through History, An Encyclopedia Frank Coppa, ed., (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 2003).

"Giuseppe Bastianini," "Guido Buffarini-Guidi," "Ugo Cavallero," "Ettore Muti," "Mario Roatta," "Invasion of Normandy," "Invasion of Sicily," "Purges," "Attack on Pearl Harbor," "Schio Massacre," "Verona Trials." Entries inDizionario di Fascismo Victoria De Grazia and Sergio Luzzatto, eds., (Turin: Einaudi, 2002).

"John Paul I," "Opus Dei," "ad limina visits," "Acta Apostolicae Sedis," and "Far East, Vatican and," Entries inEncyclopedia of the Vatican and the Papacy Frank Coppa, ed., (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1999).

"Renzo De Felice." Entry in Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, Kelly King Boyd, ed., (London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1999).

"The Popes and America." Entry in The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History Michael Glazier and Thomas Shelley, eds., (Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1997).

"Alcide De Gasperi." Entry in Research Guide to European Historical Biography, 1500- (Washington, D.C.: Beacham Publishing, 1992).

"The Institutional Question In Italy, 1944-1946." inProceedings of the Thirteenth European Studies Conference (Omaha, Nebraska: 1988).


Rosmini: Conoscere e credere, Storia della Causa. By Claudio Massimiliano Papa in The Catholic Historical Review(Forthcoming).

Woodrow Wilson and the American Myth in Italy: Culture, Diplomacy, and War Propaganda. By Daniella Rossini and translated by Anthony Shugaar in Diplomatic History(Forthcoming).

Pio XII: Eugenio Pacelli: un uomo sul trono di Pietro by Andrea Tornielli in The Catholic Historical Review XCIV (4) October 2008.

Don Bosco, His Pope and His Bishop by Arthur J. Lenti inThe Catholic Historical Review XCIII (4) October, 2007.

La Riforma agraria in Italia e gli Stati Uniti: Guerra fredda, Piano Marshall e interventi per il Mezzogiorno negli anni del centrismo degasperiano by Emanuele Bernardi in The Journal of American History March 2007.

Cattolicesimo e totalitarianismo. Chiese e culture religiose tra le due guerre mondiali (Italia, Spagna, Francia). Daniele Menozzi and Renato Moro, eds., in The Catholic Historical Review XCI (4) 2005.

Luigi Sturzo a Londra: Carteggi e documenti (1925-1946)Giovanna Ferrell-Vinay, ed. In The Catholic Historical Review XCI (3) 2005.

Italy from Revolution to Republic. 1700 to the Present by Spencer M. Di Scala in Italica 83, June 2006.

Rome in America: Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism by Peter R. D 'Agostino inThe Journal of American History June 2005.

European Christian Democracy, Historical Legacies and Comparative Perspectives Edited by Thomas Kselman and Joseph A. Buttigieg in The Catholic Historical Review, XC (2) 2004.

Italy and Its Discontents. Family, Civil Society, State: 1980-2001 by Paul Ginsborg in The Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 9 (2) 2004.

L 'Alleato scomodo by Mario Del Pero in The Journal of American History 90 (1) 2003.

After the War. Violence, Justice, Continuity and Renewal in Italian Society Edited by Jonathan Dunnage in The Journal of Modern Italian Studies 7 (2) 2002 .

Under His Very Windows. Pius XII, the Catholic Church and the Holocaust in Italy by Susan Zuccotti in The American Historical Review 106 (5) 2001.

Giuseppe Dossetti. Prime prospettive e ipotesi di ricercaedited by Giuseppe Alberigo in The Catholic Historical Review 86 (1) 2000.

I Conti del fascismo, L'epurazione in Italia, 1943-1948 by Hans Woller in The Journal of Modern Italian Studies 4 (3) 1999.

Political Catholicism in Europe, 1918-1965, Tom Buchanan and Martin Conway, eds. in The Catholic Historical Review84 (2) 1998.

Classe, partito, nazione. Alle origini della democrazia italiana, 1919-1948 by Simone Neri Serneri in The Journal of Modern Italian Studies 2 (3) 1997.

Pope John Paul II: The Biography by Tad Szulc in Social Science and Modern Society 33 (5) 1996.

'Con tutte le forze ': I nodi della fede cristiana oggi. Omaggio a Giuseppe Dossetti, Angelina and Giuseppe Alberigo, eds. in The Catholic Historical Review 80 (2) 1994. 

From Ally to Enemy, The Enigma of Fascist Italy in French Diplomacy, 1920-1940 by William Shorrock in The European Studies Journal 7(2) 1990.

Chiese italiane e Concilio: esperienze pastorali nella chiesa italiana tra Pio XII e Paolo VI Giuseppe Alberigo, ed. in The Catholic Historical Review 76 (2) 1990.

Aldo Moro by Giorgio Campanini in The Catholic Historical Review 75 (2) 1989.


Cambridge University Press, Yale University Press, CONFIN (Italian National Research Council organization for research proposal evaluation), The University of Kansas Press, University Press of America, Fordham University Press, Temple University Press, Praeger, Westview Press, Palgrave Macmillan Press, Yale University Press.

Prize Evaluations: Willi Paul Adams Award of the Organization of American Historians (2006), Thelen Prize of the Organization of American Historians (2007), Howard Marraro Prize for unpublished manuscripts of Society of Italian Historical Studies (2005, 2006).


"Gedda e il mondo cattolico nell 'Italia degli anni cinquanta" Paper delivered for Fondazione Vittorino Colombo (on invitation), Milan, Italy, October 7, 2008. (For publication, see above).

"Politics, Culture and Love in Italy: The Case of the Bishop of Prato." American Catholic Historical Association meeting at St. Mary 's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, April 2008.

"Catholic Culture in Italy in the 1950s." Paper presented at The University of 51视频, Research Seminar Series; September 21, 2007.

"John Paul II and the Jews." Paper presented at American Historical Association annual meeting; Atlanta, Ga.; January 2007.

"A Christian Alternative: Catholic Cultural Politics in Italy, 1948-1962." Paper presented at The Historical Society 2006 Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June 2006.

"Italy's Occupation of Majorca, 1936-1939." Paper presented at Mediterranean XXVI Conference, Palma de Majorca, Spain, July 2004.

"Italy and the Spanish Civil War." Paper presented at Mediterranean XXV Conference, Castellammare di Stabia,Italy, July 2003.

"Italian Catholics and American Film." Paper presented at Mediterranean XXI Conference, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy, July 1999.


President, Society for Italian Historical Studies, 2007-2009.

Fulbright Scholar Program, "Senior Research Award" recipient for Italy, Spring 2005.

Society for Italian Historical Studies Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize for Italian Fascists on Trial, 1943-1948. Presented at A.H.A. Meeting, Washington, D.C. 1992.

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